
Bo at Lucinda Lane Studio, Santa Barbara

Bo at Lucinda Lane Studio, Santa Barbara

I am primarily a painter and a sculptor, click here to view my art. My corporate art sales plummeted by the mid 90s. I tripped along for a couple of years barely making it as an artist. Early in 1995 an old friend Trudi, who managed the Seaside Gallery in Bar Harbor, Maine, was growing weary of the many years selling art to tourists, called me up and offered to pick up a computer, scanner and printer and suggested I scan my archive of transparencies, print out sell sheets, and she would hit the road and try to sell my art. Well I did just that, I figured out how to use a Mac, scan and process the images, and printed out the sell sheets. Trudi moved out to Santa Barbara and hit the road with a portfolio of my art. A few weeks later she came back having sold not one painting nor acquiring one commission. So I said, my god, what are we going to do, and she said let’s put up a gallery on the internet and call it TranzArt.com, so that’s what we did. I had no idea what I was doing so I copied the code off a website I liked, swapped out the code for images and text for the new website, commissioned my cousin John Cushing to make a logo, and since I grew up in Santa Barbara and knew a lot of artists I began to go down the list. Slowly but surely we acquired a stable of artists, each paying $350 a year for nine images and a bio for a spot on TranzArt.com. Within a year one of our clients, Robert Burridge wanted his own domain name and his own website, so I was off and running registering domain names and building websites. The business has slowly evolved into not only website production, maintenance and hosting, but also graphic design, video editing, and now producing books for writers who want to self-publish a book. Anyway. This is the story of how I got where I am today.